ASTREF Split Cold Storage Room CSR-2225C
Cold Room adalah ruangan pendingin yang digunakan sebagai penyimpanan (storage) bahan makanan berupa sayur, buah, ikan, daging dsb agar terjaga kesegarannya lebih lama. Terapat 3 jenis cold room mengikuti suhu yang diinginkan atau dibutuhkan, yakni chilled, frrozen (beku) dan produk setengah beku (half frozen).
Aplikasi: Minimarket, Toko Daging, Toko Buah, Hotel, Restaurant, Laboratorium, Rumah Sakit, Distributor lkan, dll
Untuk pembelian 1 (satu) set split cold room lengkap (panel+ sistem pendingin), Gratis 1 set lampu LED 18Wx2 (Chiller/Freezer), Strip Curtain, dan Pressure Relief Valve/PRV (khusus freezer).
Keunggulan Panel ASTREF
- Panel Thickness Polyurethane 10 cm
- Density 40-42 kg/m
- Inner/outer material: Hot dipped galvanis colorbond 0,45 mm
- Door equipped with lock+ safety handle (Door size: 75 x 180 cm)
- Knock-Down system with Camlock Strip Curtain included
Keunggulan Unit Refrigerant
- Refrigerant R-404A
- Compressor Scroll (Low Noise)
- Slim Outdoor Unit
- Temperature Controller Module with Wire Remote Controller Dixell
- HL Pressure Switch
- Receiver
- Evaporator with TXV and Orifice Equipped
Model | : | CSR-2225C (Chilled) |
Temperature (C) | : | 2-10 Celcius |
Capacity | : | Volume (m3) : 7.5 / Storage (kg) : 1500 (1.5 TON) |
Condensing Unit | : | Type : LUHP-010BD2Z Brand : HIGHLY 1 HP |
Watt | : | 785 Watt (220 Volt) |
Evaporator | : | DEC-7.5 |
Dimensi Unit | : | 200 x 200 x 250 Cm |
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